CSA 2016: Week 2

We’re on to week two! Maybe soon I’ll get my weekly post up at the end of the actual week, not the following Monday. HA! Not likely.

Cure Organic Farm – Week 2

  • Lettuce Mix
  • Spinach
  • Pea Shoots
  • Carrots
  • Turnips

I’m not entirely sure why I tore the tops off my turnips before taking this picture – I blame Meg for distracting me with some enthralling conversation topic. The pea shoots were a treat that we likely won’t get again. I never really know what to do with them aside from eating them raw, which is great.

The turnip tops from both shares, the garlic scapes and the bok choy from last week were sautéed up with garlic, ginger, dried chilies, and soy sauce. Then I scrambled a few eggs (from my coworkers chickens!) into that and ate it over rice. I forgot to take pictures. No one is surprised.

Did you notice my beautiful new produce bags? They were a birthday present from my lovely parents 🙂 Since I am picking up my own shares I can now avoid using plastic bags!

63rd Street Farm – Week 2

  • Lettuce & Braising Greens
  • Spinach
  • Snap Peas
  • Radishes
  • Mint
  • Oregano
  • Turnips (greens attached!)
  • Garlic Scapes
  • Kale

Lately I’ve been trying to be more conscious about the waste that I produce and I’ve been taking steps to live a more zero waste lifestyle. I’ve realized this is something that not only aligns very well with my general worldview but also something that motivates me. This involves so many different things and I’m fortunate enough to have two lovely friends to motivate me on a daily basis. Going zero waste is a process, one that takes a lot of forethought, but it’s an exciting way to approach something we’re all doing, every day – consuming.

We’re not born seeking one-time-use products, we’re taught to. Collectively we’ve moved away from demanding long-lasting, well-made, meaningful products and it really boils down to a rise in the promotion of consumer culture and advertising of one-time-use items that really only benefit the producer. We want the newest, BEST things the second they hit the market and we’re so quick to just toss what we no longer see as desirable – even if that thing is in perfect working order. This is bad for the environment and bad for my pocket.

I’ve always cherished hand-made and home-made over store-bought so this transition makes a great deal of sense. Also, I was raised by a thrifty lady who never saw the point in following the trends. Younger Lyndsy often resented this, because it wasn’t COOL. Current Lyndsy is thankful for her mother’s life decisions and the way she chose to raise her (stubborn) child. Don’t tell her I said that.

I supposed my first big shift was when I switched from disposable feminine products to a reusable menstrual cup. I will never go back and I encourage every one of my friends to also make the switch. Some have. Some think I’m gross. Maybe this should be its own post because I love talking about sustainable period products. Ask my friends who think it’s gross, they hate when I drone on about it. They’ll come around 😉

Anywayyyy… because of my shift to choosing products more intentionally I requested that anyone who wanted to get me a birthday present please do the same. I’m happy to report that everyone complied with my request and I had an amazingly Eco-friendly birthday!


No more plastic straws. I love straws – mostly because when I attempt to drink sans straw I often spill liquids all over myself – but I will now be refusing them when they are offered. No more disposable utensils. I already have To-Go Ware but I’m excited to have a mini utensil that will fit in any bag I’m carrying. No more plastic bags for my CSA greens and/or bulk items. I still plan to purchase or make non-mesh reusable bags for smaller bulk items like rice, oats, lentils, etc. No more plastic razors. Ever. This razor will likely last me forever and it has been reported that each blade can last a year or longer! No more plastic tooth brushes.

Oh, and I finally went full hippie and got Birks. I have only worn other shoes one day since I got these. I love them.

I’ve got a long way to go but thanks to the wonderful people in my life, who followed my zero waste requests, I’m well on my way to making significant changes.

Sorry that this was only moderately veggie related 🙂







2 thoughts on “CSA 2016: Week 2”

  1. Don’t worry, your mother knows you were/are stubborn (the Irish). She also knew one day you would get it, no matter the infinite struggle along the way. Nice move into period talk from vegetable talk….does this mean I do not have to send you a birthday card, which I forgot?


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